Sunday, July 01, 2007

9. the Krebs Cycle

When Jonas asked the question Bastian could not help but smile. 'It's such a natrual thing ain't it?' he began, 'but its so complex its hard to replicate' He spoke with his usual english, punctuated with slang. 'Its like a Krebs Cycle...' and so he began to explain, As he did in his usual round about way.

'The Krebs Cycle. Its what makes us breathe.. its what moves the oxygen in the air onto the red blood cells in our body & moves the CO2 out...' he frowns & starts again 'imagine it, a huge chain of chemical reations, each one relying on the others all moving in unison. One molecule carries a important oxygen molecule, but in order to move is out of the air & into our blood a whole bunch of other reactions need to take place. It all needs to happen in a certian sequence in order for that oxygen to be open to the opportunity to enter our blood.'

'love is like that Mr Jonas. Love is about a whole bunch of little interations going on that we are not concsious about. they move us to a point where we bond. We bond & we stick & we bring life to al that there is. As they say Hemoglobin in the key.'

Jonas smiled & so did Basitian. He had found some b eginings to the science of human connections.

'love evolves from a whole range of interactions, interactions that never know in themselves that they lead to happiness.' he pauses 'and unhappiness'


kookyknut said...

I haven't commented on this series you are doing at the moment. but i'm really enjoying it :)

puppet said...

thanks... im glad to hear some feed back, its always a bit of a wonder how people take any piece of writing. i'm enjoying writing it!

rapunzel.emma said...

good. The style is right. The imagery is great. One problem - Bastian doesn't really talk like that "bring life to all that there is..."

that bit of dialogue not realistic...? bastien should say the kreb cycle and that love is like that, but jonas should extrapoloate in his head - thought monologue.
