Sunday, June 04, 2006

i just know something good is going to happen

So i was listenning to kate bush today. And for once i agree with emma - cloudbusting is better than running up that hill. But only just. ;) The song is how i feel at this moment - and i know something good is going to happen :)


Anonymous said...

I am loving placebos cover of running up that hill of late (again). Must pull out my kate bush and see what you mean.

sparkylibrarian ;)

Anonymous said...

P.S. I had forgotten how good cloudbursting really was. This song always makes me emo, it reminds me of loneliness.

puppet said...

loneliness maybe - but with a childish enthusiasm for something better, or maybe even the warmth of hope.

puppet said...

it gets me emotional too - i grin from ear to ear :D yeah, e, yeah oh, oh.

It also reminds me of the lesbian love making scene in the movie 'but im a chearleader'. Mainly cause of some similar instruments i think. And the scene is cute, if not a little mixed emotions, like this song

Anonymous said...

I was working through that quite well until my mind was sent in the direction of lesbian love making! Oops! (Apologies to lesbians everywhere - but I'm sure you can live without the schematics for what I like to get up to too!)
On another note - this did send me off to revisit some Kate Bush and on the way I stopped in to visit The Thompson Twins. Have you, perchance, ever listened to Into the Gap? Quite a rich crop on that particular album - I wish I had it on CD rather than in compilations. Compilations are great for driving but sometimes the original album can have such a unique way of getting under you skin.