Sunday, June 25, 2006

what a feeling

i know i dont write poetry on this blog. but just once indulge me:


i lack it. so completely.

that will change - as it already is.

i've decided to take dancing seriously.

going to the gym was part of it.

yoga & dance classes to come in the following weeks.

it is a commitment to art

to expression!

dancing always made me happy...

... even when i was sad

nothing may come of this

other than a smile


Anonymous said...

i always remembered that you moved really well. Then again I have only seen you dance like twice.

rapunzel.emma said...

You! Lack discipline!? Bull shit.

It's all relative, and I suggest you quit beating yourself up and be proud of what you achieve.

You are a very disciplined person in my mind. You follow your heart and manage a busy social life while also finishing what you start - for the most part - earning a living and paying your bills.

I think you are doing really well!

It is only protestantism and capitalism that reify discipline anyway. Superior belief systems promote *balance* above all else - and, if you ask me, you've get that down.


Anonymous said...

ps. your 'poetry' is shite.

puppet said...

it was a joke mr anonymous. Most people know i detest poetry, hence the humor of wirting the unpoetic in poetic form.. please dont post on my blog any more mr anonymous. You are rude & cold & judgemental.

DONT read my blog if you dont like the content/replies.

Anonymous said...

I am rude and cold and judgemental. But at least I can spell 'discipline'.

puppet said...

you think the ability to spell the word discipline is in some way a more valuble trait than being a good person?

Maybe you shouldnt read this blog anymore mr anon. Your saying things to hurt people. Thats really cruel. You shouldnt do it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Mr Puppet but I this shout out is for Mr A. (One an A always an A.)

Show me some discipline,
I'll show you mine ...

The Sunnyboys said it SO well - and them from up your neck of the woods too Mr A, I seem to remember. But as my old Nanny used to say ... "Spare the rod and spoil the child." Little did she know.

Sorry for that interjection Mr Puppet. Mt A really should have a blog of his own but he is such a funny soul! A fallen Angel perhaps. Broken, small but waiting to spread those wings and fly again one day.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Tortured Otter
Putting the mental in judgemental.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually Ms Anon.

Anonymous said...

Is that post-operative?

But of course it all makes perfect sense now. In my experience Grammar Nazis have been either proud haughty Amazons or vicious little queens. (I often suspected Sister Consumpta was both! Is that you Sister?)

puppet said...

dont you think its a little paradoxical for someone who wishes to retain their anominity to insist on correcting inaccurate perceptions of their identity?

go figure...

Anonymous said...

But we all have our dark little secrets!

Of course Sister Consupmta wasn't anonymous - she was, however, invisible. As Lucretia Kulley and I found to our horror after we pinned little Tarquin Lotter down and initiated him into some of our darker arts. Of course he cleaned up well enough but when the door opened that afternoon and the Good Sister glided into the room we knew she had been watching. Every moment!

But enough.