Thursday, June 15, 2006

little confessions

I met La La at kooky. Was it easter? anzac? argh, it was a little while back.

So cute with his sleves all done up. It made me smile... so much. Bit his lip. His hand on my chest. we kept it up till the day break. Sent me a picture in the mail. I stuck it up at work. I dont know why. Maybe its a childish thing to do. Hes in melbourne. Im probably being silly. I'll probably see him again but it'll all be different. I can imagine his arms, me kissing him. His voice. Hes cute - i'll leave him up a little longer.

Hes my lullaby, even if nothing transpires more than this, its ok. I'll still sleep in peace.


Anonymous said...

Sigh ... It even makes ME feel all ticklish. Savour it!

rapunzel.emma said...

hi, you're cute! you make me smile. friends forever. and i mean that with gratitude.

angel. keep dancing! new summer. new kooky. new life for all the boys and girls in the city!

i love you. you give eccentricity a good name.



Anonymous said...

he sounds like fun. hug him till he bleeds.
